Calling All Fans of Houston Local Businesses: Cast Your Vote and Help Houston Win $25,000 in Cash Grants for Its Small Businesses

Intuit Inc. (NASDAQ:INTU):

What: Intuit's Love a Local Business program gives love to the nation's favorite small businesses in the form of cash grants. This month, Intuit is giving away $50,000 in grants to the two cities* that love local business the most. At the end of June, the two cities that nominated the most small businesses will be awarded ten grants worth $5,000 each. The $5,000 grants will be awarded to five small business entrants selected at random from each of the two winning cities. Intuit will also donate $1,000 to each of the two winning cities' Chambers of Commerce. Cities are defined by zip code.

Why: Intuit recently invested an additional one million dollars in its highly successful Love a Local Business grant program to continue to support small business job creation at the local level.

What You Need To Do: Currently ranked in the top ten, Intuit encourages fans of local businesses in Houston to nominate their favorites at to help Houston win $25,000 in cash grants for its small businesses.

When: Nomination period is open through Thursday, June 30, 2011.

Where: Go to to cast your vote. To see current city rankings, visit

*Top cities are subject to change as long as online nominations are open.

    Source: Intuit Inc.