Intuit Aligns Organization to Invest in Connected Services Strategy


Intuit Inc. (Nasdaq: INTU) today announced it is aligning its organizational structure and reallocating both funding and its workforce to drive accelerated growth.

The changes better position the company to deliver on its comprehensive "Connected Services" strategy. The strategy increases Intuit's emphasis on developing value-added services for its desktop products and innovative online offerings. The company plans to focus on both traditional and new markets across the globe, while embracing social networking and mobile technology trends.

Under the new alignment, Intuit will streamline operations, particularly in its general and administrative functions, and reallocate those resources to invest in key growth businesses and accelerate innovation. As a result the company will eliminate approximately 575 positions, or about 7 percent of its workforce.

Intuit expects this action to result in a pre-tax charge of approximately $22 million, or $0.04 per share in Intuit's fourth fiscal quarter, which ends July 31. The charges include all actions taken in the fourth quarter.

Intuit is reaffirming revenue guidance for the quarter and full fiscal year 2008 last updated on May 20. The company is only changing operating income and earnings per share guidance will change by the amount of the charge. And the expected fiscal year 2008 revenue, non-GAAP operating income and earnings per share results represent record highs for Intuit. Due to the charge, the company now expects:

    --  Fourth quarter GAAP loss per share of $0.18 to $0.20 and a
        non-GAAP loss per share of $0.07 to $0.09.

    --  Fiscal year 2008 GAAP operating income of $633 million to $643
        million, which reflects growth of negative 1 percent to 1
        percent over the prior year, and non-GAAP operating income of
        $838 million to $848 million, which reflects growth of 10
        percent to 11 percent over the prior year.

    --  Fiscal year 2008 GAAP diluted earnings per share of $1.38 to
        $1.40, which reflects growth of 11 percent to 13 percent over
        the prior year, and non-GAAP diluted earnings per share of
        $1.57 to $1.59, which reflects growth of 10 percent to 11
        percent over the prior year.

Intuit and the Intuit logo are registered trademarks and/or registered service marks of Intuit Inc. in the United States and other countries.

About Non-GAAP Financial Measures

This press release includes non-GAAP financial measures. For a description of these non-GAAP financial measures, including the reasons management uses each measure, and reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable financial measures prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, please see the accompanying tables titled "About Non-GAAP Financial Measures."

Cautions About Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including forecasts of Intuit's expected financial results for the quarter and fiscal year ending July 31, 2008 and Intuit's expectations regarding future business and growth prospects.

Because these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, there are important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the expectations expressed in the forward-looking statements. These factors include, without limitation, the following: the financial impact of the restructuring actions may be larger than we currently expect; product introductions and price competition from our competitors can have unpredictable negative effects on our revenue, profitability and market position; governmental encroachment in our tax businesses or other governmental activities regulating the filing of tax returns could negatively affect our operating results and market position; we may not be able to successfully introduce new products and services to meet our growth and profitability objectives, and current and future products and services may not adequately address customer needs and may not achieve broad market acceptance, which could harm our operating results and financial condition; any failure to maintain reliable and responsive service levels for our offerings could cause us to lose customers and negatively impact our revenues and profitability; any significant product quality problems or delays in our products could harm our revenue, earnings and reputation; our participation in the Free File Alliance may result in lost revenue opportunities and cannibalization of our traditional paid franchise; any failure to properly use and protect personal customer information could harm our revenue, earnings and reputation; our acquisition activities may be disruptive to Intuit and may not result in expected benefits; our use of significant amounts of debt to finance acquisitions or other activities could harm our financial condition and results of operations; our revenue and earnings are highly seasonal and the timing of our revenue between quarters is difficult to predict, which may cause significant quarterly fluctuations in our financial results; predicting tax-related revenues is challenging due to the heavy concentration of activity in a short time period; we have implemented, and are continuing to upgrade, new information systems and any problems with these new systems could interfere with our ability to deliver products and services and gather information to effectively manage our business; our financial position may not make repurchasing shares advisable or we may issue additional shares in an acquisition causing our number of outstanding shares to grow; and litigation involving intellectual property, antitrust, shareholder and other matters may increase our costs. More details about these and other risks that may impact our business are included in our Form 10-K for fiscal 2007 and in our other SEC filings. You can locate these reports through our website at Forward-looking statements are based on information as of June 26, 2008, and we do not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statement or other information in these remarks.



The accompanying press release dated June 26, 2008 contains non-GAAP financial measures. Table 1 reconciles the non-GAAP financial measures in that press release to the most directly comparable financial measures prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). These non-GAAP financial measures include non-GAAP operating income (loss) and related operating margin as a percentage of revenue, non-GAAP net income (loss) and non-GAAP net income (loss) per share.

Non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered as a substitute for, or superior to, measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with GAAP. These non-GAAP financial measures do not reflect a comprehensive system of accounting, differ from GAAP measures with the same names and may differ from non-GAAP financial measures with the same or similar names that are used by other companies.

We believe that these non-GAAP financial measures provide meaningful supplemental information regarding Intuit's operating results primarily because they exclude amounts that we do not consider part of ongoing operating results when assessing the performance of the organization, our operating segments or our senior management. Segment managers are not held accountable for share-based compensation expenses, acquisition-related costs, or the other excluded items that may impact their business units' operating income (loss) and, accordingly, we exclude these amounts from our measures of segment performance. We also exclude these amounts from our budget and planning process. We believe that our non-GAAP financial measures also facilitate the comparison of results for current periods and guidance for future periods with results for past periods. We exclude the following items from our non-GAAP financial measures:

    --  Share-based compensation expenses. Our non-GAAP financial
        measures exclude share-based compensation expenses, which
        consist of expenses for stock options, restricted stock,
        restricted stock units and purchases of common stock under our
        Employee Stock Purchase Plan. Segment managers are not held
        accountable for share-based compensation expenses impacting
        their business units' operating income (loss) and,
        accordingly, we exclude share-based compensation expenses from
        our measures of segment performance. While share-based
        compensation is a significant expense affecting our results of
        operations, management excludes share-based compensation from
        our budget and planning process. We exclude share-based
        compensation expenses from our non-GAAP financial measures for
        these reasons and the other reasons stated above. We compute
        weighted average dilutive shares using the method required by
        SFAS 123(R) for both GAAP and non-GAAP diluted net income per

    --  Amortization of purchased intangible assets and
        acquisition-related charges. In accordance with GAAP,
        amortization of purchased intangible assets in cost of revenue
        includes amortization of software and other technology assets
        related to acquisitions and acquisition-related charges in
        operating expenses includes amortization of other purchased
        intangible assets such as customer lists, covenants not to
        compete and trade names. Acquisition activities are managed on
        a corporate-wide basis and segment managers are not held
        accountable for the acquisition-related costs impacting their
        business units' operating income (loss). We exclude these
        amounts from our measures of segment performance and from our
        budget and planning process. We exclude these items from our
        non-GAAP financial measures for these reasons, the other
        reasons stated above and because we believe that excluding
        these items facilitates comparisons to the results of other
        companies in our industry, which have their own unique
        acquisition histories.

    --  Gains and losses on disposals of businesses and assets. We
        exclude these amounts from our non-GAAP financial measures for
        the reasons stated above and because they are unrelated to our
        ongoing business operating results.

    --  Gains and losses on marketable equity securities and other
        investments. We exclude these amounts from our non-GAAP
        financial measures for the reasons stated above and because
        they are unrelated to our ongoing business operating results.

    --  Income tax effects of excluded items. Our non-GAAP financial
        measures exclude the income tax effects of the adjustments
        described above that relate to the current period as well as
        adjustments for similar items that relate to prior periods. We
        exclude the impact of these tax items for the reasons stated
        above and because management believes that they are not
        indicative of our ongoing business operations.

    --  Operating results and gains and losses on the sale of
        discontinued operations. From time to time, we sell or
        otherwise dispose of selected operations as we adjust our
        portfolio of businesses to meet our strategic goals. In
        accordance with GAAP, we segregate the operating results of
        discontinued operations as well as gains and losses on the
        sale of these discontinued operations from continuing
        operations on our GAAP statements of operations but continue
        to include them in GAAP net income or loss and net income or
        loss per share. We exclude these amounts from our non-GAAP
        financial measures for the reasons stated above and because
        they are unrelated to our ongoing business operations.

The following describes each non-GAAP financial measure, the items excluded from the most directly comparable GAAP measure in arriving at each non-GAAP financial measure, and the reasons management uses each measure and excludes the specified amounts in arriving at each non-GAAP financial measure.

(A) Operating income (loss) and related operating margin as a
    percentage of revenue. We exclude share-based compensation
    expenses, amortization of purchased intangible assets and
    acquisition-related charges from our GAAP operating income (loss)
    from continuing operations and related operating margin in
    arriving at our non-GAAP operating income (loss) and related
    operating margin primarily because we do not consider them part of
    ongoing operating results when assessing the performance of the
    organization, our operating segments and senior management or when
    undertaking our budget and planning process. We believe that the
    exclusion of these expenses from our non-GAAP financial measures
    also facilitates the comparison of results for current periods and
    guidance for future periods with results for prior periods. In
    addition, we exclude amortization of purchased intangible assets
    and acquisition-related charges from non-GAAP operating income
    (loss) and operating margin because we believe that excluding
    these items facilitates comparisons to the results of other
    companies in our industry, which have their own unique acquisition

(B) Net income (loss) and net income (loss) per share (or earnings per
    share). We exclude share-based compensation expenses, amortization
    of purchased intangible assets, acquisition-related charges, net
    gains on marketable equity securities and other investments, gains
    and losses on disposals of businesses and assets, certain tax
    items as described above, and amounts related to discontinued
    operations from our GAAP net income (loss) and net income (loss)
    per share in arriving at our non-GAAP net income (loss) and net
    income (loss) per share. We exclude all of these items from our
    non-GAAP net income (loss) and net income (loss) per share
    primarily because we do not consider them part of ongoing
    operating results when assessing the performance of the
    organization, our operating segments and senior management or when
    undertaking our budget and planning process. We believe that the
    exclusion of these items from our non-GAAP financial measures also
    facilitates the comparison of results for current periods and
    guidance for future periods with results for prior periods.

    In addition, we exclude amortization of purchased intangible
    assets and acquisition-related charges from our non-GAAP net
    income (loss) and net income (loss) per share because we believe
    that excluding these items facilitates comparisons to the results
    of other companies in our industry, which have their own unique
    acquisition histories. We exclude net gains on marketable equity
    securities and other investments from our non-GAAP net income
    (loss) and net income (loss) per share because they are unrelated
    to our ongoing business operating results. Our non-GAAP financial
    measures exclude the income tax effects of the adjustments
    described above that relate to the current period as well as
    adjustments for similar items that relate to prior periods. We
    exclude the impact of these tax items because management believes
    that they are not indicative of our ongoing business operations.
    The effective tax rate used to calculate non-GAAP net income
    (loss) and net income (loss) per share for fiscal 2008 guidance
    was 36%. Finally, we exclude amounts related to discontinued
    operations from our non-GAAP net income (loss) and net income
    (loss) per share because they are unrelated to our ongoing
    business operations.

We refer to these non-GAAP financial measures in assessing the performance of Intuit's ongoing operations and for planning and forecasting in future periods. These non-GAAP financial measures also facilitate our internal comparisons to Intuit's historical operating results. We have historically reported similar non-GAAP financial measures and believe that the inclusion of comparative numbers provides consistency in our financial reporting. We compute non-GAAP financial measures using the same consistent method from quarter to quarter and year to year.

The reconciliations of the forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures in Table 1 include all information reasonably available to Intuit at the date of this press release. This table includes adjustments that we can reasonably predict. Events that could cause the reconciliation to change include acquisitions and divestitures of businesses, goodwill and other asset impairments and sales of marketable equity securities and other investments.

                               Table 1

                             INTUIT INC.
               (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                     Forward-Looking Guidance
                                 Range of Estimate
                                 From         To      Adjustments
                              ----------------------- -----------
Three Months Ending
July 31, 2008
Revenue                       $  466,000  $  471,000    $      -
Diluted loss per share        $    (0.20) $    (0.18)   $   0.11  (a)

Twelve Months Ending
July 31, 2008
Revenue                       $3,050,000  $3,060,000    $      -
Operating income              $  633,000  $  643,000    $205,000  (b)
Operating margin                      21%         21%          7% (b)
Diluted earnings per share    $     1.38  $     1.40    $   0.19  (c)
Shares                           339,000     341,000           -

                                              Forward-Looking Guidance
                                                  Range of Estimate
                                                  From         To
Three Months Ending
July 31, 2008
Revenue                                        $  466,000  $  471,000
Diluted loss per share                         $    (0.09) $    (0.07)

Twelve Months Ending
July 31, 2008
Revenue                                        $3,050,000  $3,060,000
Operating income                               $  838,000  $  848,000
Operating margin                                       27%         28%
Diluted earnings per share                     $     1.57  $     1.59
Shares                                            339,000     341,000

(a)Reflects estimated adjustments for share-based compensation expense
    of approximately $30 million; amortization of purchased intangible
    assets of approximately $14 million; acquisition-related charges
    of approximately $10 million; and income taxes related to these
(b)Reflects estimated adjustments for share-based compensation expense
    of approximately $116 million; amortization of purchased
    intangible assets of approximately $54 million; and acquisition-
    related charges of approximately $35 million.
(c)Reflects the estimated adjustments in item (b); an adjustment for
    an expected pre-tax gain on the sale of certain outsourced payroll
    assets of approximately $52 million; income taxes related to these
    adjustments; and an adjustment for net income from discontinued
    operations of approximately $26 million.

Source: Intuit Inc.