Published on October 6, 1998



This Amendment to Lease ("Amendment") is entered into effective April 14,
1998, by and between KILROY REALTY, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership
("LANDLORD"), and INTUIT INC., a Delaware corporation ("TENANT"), with
reference to that certain Lease dated as of June 9, 1995, by and between
Landlord (as successor to UTC Greenwich Partners, L.P., a California limited
partnership) and Tenant ("LEASE"). Certain defined terms used in this Amendment
not defined herein shall have the same meaning as ascribed to those terms in
the Lease.


A. Section 4.5 of the Lease contemplates that Landlord will construct an
additional office building or buildings on the Land, refers to such additional
building or buildings as "Additional Improvements," and describes the terms and
conditions under which Tenant may elect to lease some or all of any such
Additional Improvements.

B. Landlord has decided to construct on the Land a three (3)-story
concrete tilt-up office building totaling 71,000 square feet of Gross Area and
tenant has elected to lease the entirety of such building (the "Additional
Premises") on the terms and conditions described in this Amendment.

NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree to amend
the Lease as follows:


1. Design and Construction of Additional Premises. Landlord shall
construct the Additional Premises, including the Building and associated
Improvements and the Tenant Improvements, (i) in conformance with the site
plan, elevations and outline specifications for the Building site and shell
attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and (ii) consistent with the terms of the Lease
to the extent logically applicable to the Additional Premises. The improvement
plans for the Tenant Improvements shall be prepared by Tenant and Tenant's
architect and constructed by Landlord. Upon Substantial Completion of the
Additional Improvements, the Additional Premises shall be measured to determine
the exact square footage of Gross Area they contain. There shall be no change
regarding any matter contained in this Amendment which is calculated based on
the square footage of Gross Area contained in the Additional Premises (e.g.
Annual Rent, allowances) unless the final measurement reveals that the final
square footage of the Gross Area of the Additional Premises is less than 70,290
(1% discrepancy), in which case such items shall be adjusted based on the
actual square footage of Gross Area.

2. Term Commencement Date. The Term Commencement Date for the
Additional Premises (the "New Term Commencement Date") shall be upon
Substantial Completion of the Additional Premises. It is anticipated that the
New Term Commencement Date for the Additional Premises will be April 1, 1999.
Landlord shall use reasonable diligence to complete all construction prior to
April 1, 1999.

2.1 Delay. If the New Term Commencement Date has not occurred by
July 1, 1999 (subject to Sections 27 and 3.2.5 of the Lease), Tenant can
terminate this Amendment under the terms of Section 3.2.2 of the Lease.
Further, if the New Term Commencement Date has not occurred by July 1, 1999
(plus up to 30 days for Force Majeure Delay), and Tenant has not otherwise
terminated this Amendment, Landlord shall pay a daily penalty to Tenant in
accordance with Section 3.2.3 of the Lease as liquidated damages.

2.2 Occupancy of Additional Premises. Tenant shall be entitled
to the 30-day notice provided under Section 5.2.1 of the Lease, as well as the
rights granted to Tenant under Sections 5.2.3 and 5.3, in each case with
respect to the Additional Premises. To the extent logically applicable,
effective as of the New Term Commencement Date, all provisions of the Lease
shall apply to the Additional Premises as well as the existing Demised Premises.

April 14, 1998

3. Extension of Term. Upon the New Term Commencement Date, the Term of
the entire Lease, including the existing Demised Premises and the Additional
Premises (together the "Combined Demised Premises") shall continue until eight
(8) years from the New Term Commencement Date.

4. Option to Extend. Tenant shall continue to be entitled to the
Extension Options granted in Section 4.3 of the Lease, with the Option Term
Annual Rent an amount equal to the greater of (i) ninety-five percent (95%) of
the then Fair Market Value of the Combined Demised Premises, as stated on an
annual basis and determined pursuant to Section 4.3.3 of the Lease, and (ii) the
Annual Rent for the Combined Demised Premises which was in effect immediately
prior to the commencement of the Option Term in question, times 1.075.

5. Tenant Improvements Allowances. Landlord shall provide a base
allowance to be applied toward the portion of the Total Project Costs which are
incurred in connection with the construction of the Tenant Improvements
(including design, engineering, permits and fees) in the amount of One Million
Five Hundred Sixty Two Thousand Dollars ($1,562,000) ($22.00 per square foot of
Gross Area) (the "Base Allowance"). Landlord shall also provide an additional
allowance to be applied, at Tenant's request, toward the portion of the Total
Project Costs which are incurred in connection with the construction of the
Tenant Improvements not funded by the Base Allowance in the amount of One
Million Two Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand Dollars ($1,278,000) ($18.00 per
square foot of Gross Area) (the "Excess Allowance"). Tenant will not require
any additional refurbishment allowances during the Initial Term, as modified
hereby, and any improvements made to the Demised Premises shall be solely at
Tenant's expense and subject to the provisions of Section 15 of the Lease.

6. Annual Rent.

6.1 Demised Premises. The Annual Rent for the Demised Premises shall
not increase until the New Term Commencement Date, at which time it shall
increase to One Million Nine Hundred Eighty Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty-Five
Dollars ($1,982,645) (based on the product of $1.17 per square foot per month
and the 141,214 square feet of Gross Area in the Demised Premises).

6.2 Combined Demised Premises. The Annual Rent for the Combined
Demised Premises, as of the New Term Commencement Date, shall equal the sum of
(i) the Annual Rent for the Demised Premises pursuant to Section 6.1, above,
plus, (ii) Nine Hundred Fifty Four Thousand Two Hundred Forty Dollars
($954,240) (based on the product of $1.12 per square foot per month and 71,000
square feet of Gross Area in the Additional Premises), a total of Two Million
Nine Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Five Dollars ($2,936,885)
(the "Combined Annual Rent"). From and after the New Term Commencement Date,
the term "Annual Rent" wherever it appears in the Lease shall be read as
"Combined Annual Rent."

6.3 Annual Rent Escalations. The Combined Annual Rent shall be
increased on the thirty-first (31st), sixty-first (61st) and ninety-first
(91st) monthly anniversary of the New Term Commencement Date to an amount equal
to the product of (i) the Combined Annual Rent then payable, and (ii) 1.075.

6.4 Amortization of Excess Allowance. Tenant shall also pay to
Landlord, as Additional Rent, on a monthly basis, an amount sufficient to fully
amortize and repay the Excess Allowance in ninety-six (96) equal monthly
payments over the Initial Term at an interest rate of nine percent (9%) per
annum. If Tenant uses the entire Excess Allowance, such Additional Rent amount
shall be an annual amount of Two Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Six Hundred
Seventy Six Dollars ($224,676).

7. Contingency. Landlord's obligations under this Amendment are
contingent upon the purchase by Landlord of the SDG&E Land, which is
anticipated to be completed by June 30, 1998, and the substantial conformance
review approval by the City of San Diego of the construction of the Additional
Improvements, which is anticipated to be obtained by April 30, 1998.

-2- April 14, 1998
8. Commissions. Tenant and Landlord represent and warrant that there are
no commissions, fees and sums which are now or in the future may be due and
payable with regard to leasing, acquisition or other such matters related to
the Demised Premises or the Additional Demised Premises, other than those owed
to Colliers Illif Thorn and The Staubach Company, pursuant to separate written
agreements, for which Landlord shall be solely responsible. Landlord and Tenant
agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless from any and all liability for
the payment of commissions, fees and other sums other than those specifically
enumerated above.

9. Ratification of Lease; No Other Modifications. Except as expressly
amended and modified by this Amendment, Landlord and Tenant hereby ratify and
affirm the terms and provisions of the Lease in its entirety. Except as
otherwise amended by this Amendment, all other provisions of the Lease are
unmodified hereby.

10. Governing Law. This Amendment shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of California.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto have caused this Amendment
to Lease to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written.


a Delaware limited partnership a Delaware corporation

By: Kilroy Realty Corporation, By: /s/ GREG SANTORA
a Maryland corporation Name: Greg Santora
Its General Partner Its: Chief Financial Officer &
Vice President of Finance &
Corporate Services

By: [SIG]











MARCH 27, 1997

4365 Executive Drive, Suite 850
San Diego, California 92121


LOCATION: 6220 Greenwich Drive
San Diego, California

DATE: March 27, 1997

1. Construction Type V 1 Hour - Tilt Up Concrete with Glass Curtainwall

2. Number of Buildings One (1)

3. Number of Stories Three (3)

4. Use Office, Data Center

5. Use Zone M-IP #87-0765

6. Square Footage 1st Floor 24,500
(Approx) 2nd Floor 23,000
3rd Floor 23,500
Total 71,000

7. Estimated Site Area 11.63 acres (506,646 sq. ft.) incl. SDG&E easement

8. Estimated Site Coverage 41.8% (Both Phases)

9. Parking Provided Per plans

10. Trash Dumpsters Provide (1) trash enclosure for two standard
(4' x 7') trash bins.

11. Mechanical Enclosure Expand existing enclosure to house total of (2)

12. Floor-to-Floor Height 15'-0"

13. Ceiling Height 9'-0" office area
8'-0" office area
14. Panel Height 48' to parapet

15. Drive Aisle Widths 24' Minimum, 26' Fire Lanes

16. Fire Sprinkling Fully Fire Sprinklered to density of .15 over the
most remote 1,500 s.f. of office area. Data Center
fire suppression by Tenant.

17. Skylights Provide total of four (4) 8' x 8' acrylic dome
Skylights. Any additional skylights shall be included
within the Tenant Improvement Allowance.

18. Electrical 277/480 Volt, 2500 AMP, 3 phase, 4 wire

DESCRIPTION: The project consists of (1) three-story office building totaling
71,000 gross square feet. All site improvements, shell building,
etc. shall be part of this package.

SCOPE: All building and site improvements shall be complete in every
respect as defined by, but not limited to, the content of the
schematic drawings and outline specifications.

CODES: The building shall be Type V, 1 hour-rated, B occupancy. All
construction shall conform to local and state codes and
regulations in effect at the time of construction. All placement
of concrete, reinforcing steel in masonry units and/or concrete
and all field weld plates and field welding shall be inspected
by an independent testing laboratory.


All work shall be in conformance with all applicable codes and
regulations. Contractor shall be responsible for coordination of
all work to be performed and for conformance to the contract


Demolition Demo and remove existing paving and landscape improvements as
required for the new development.

Earthwork Provide all grading and reshaping of existing site as required
to achieve conformance with new finish grade elevations.

Site Utilities Provide all sewer, gas, water, storm drain, electrical,
telephone and cable television services as required stubbed
inside building.

Irrigation All landscaped areas to be fully irrigated and operated by a
central automatic controller. Provide planter drainage to comply
per minimum City of San Diego design guideline standards.

Landscaping Provide plant material and soil amendments per City of San Diego
guideline standards and in accordance with the landscape site
plan and enhanced landscape plan (revised 1/28/98) approved by
the University Community Planning Group.

Enhanced Provide 5,000 sf integral color, 7" nominal thickness,
Concrete un-reinforced, 3,250 psi concrete slab over 8 1/2" Class II base
Paving at drive aisle between building entrances.

Enhanced Provide 4,000 sf integral color, 4" nominal thickness
Architectural enhanced paving over natural grade with combination of
Paving broom finish and slate tile insets at main building
entrance to match existing building. All other walkways to
be natural color concrete with broom finish. All enhanced
paving to be sealed.

Asphalt Concrete Asphalt concrete paving over Class II crushed aggregate
Paving base minimum thickness to be 2 1/2" A.C. over 6" base at
parking; 2 1/2" A.C. over 8 1/2" base at drives as
specified per soils report. Provide sand seal finish.

Curb & Mow All curb and gutters shall be constructed in accordance to
Strips City of San Diego Standards.

Seatwalls Provide two cast-in-place concrete seatwalls to match
existing at main entrance.

Flag Poles Provide two (2) 40' tall flagpoles complete with flags.


Foundations Continuous grade beam and pad footings of reinforced
concrete below grade for columns and concrete panels in
accordance with the soils report.

First Floor Slab-on-grade minimum 4 1/2" thick 3000 p.s.i. concrete
slab on grade, reinforced with #3 bars at 18" o.c., over 2"
sand. Include 6 mil visqueen under slab areas.

Second/Third 2" thick lightweight structural concrete over metal decking.

Walls Natural color, 7 1/2" minimum thickness reinforced concrete
tilt-up panels with 3/4" deep recesses and reveals.
Thickness as determined by the structural engineer. All
exterior surfaces to be painted to match existing building.

Trash Enclosures 6'-0" high tilt-up concrete with finish to match building.
Enclosure will provide for a total of 2 trash bins located
per plan.


Screen Walls Construct 675' long x 6' high non-load bearing masonry
screen wall along south property line. Provide two coat
plaster finish on both sides. Color by Architect.

Mechanical Expand existing 9' high mechanical enclosure to house
Enclosure additional generator. Construct enclosure with 8x8x16
masonry block with plaster finish. Paint to match.


Columns 8" steel columns, (26'x28' bay spacing) base plates and
connections as determined by the structural engineer.

Roof Framing All major roof framing to consist of wide flange steel
girders (52' x 56' bay spacing) and open web steel bar
joists over 20 gauge metal decking. Provide 1 hour rating.

Provide $25,000 allowance for structural roof framing to
support (2) 80 ton VAV rooftop units. Additional support
framing and headouts for mechanical included in Tenant
Improvement Allowance.

Second Floor Second floor framing to consist of open web steel bar
Framing joists over 20 gauge metal decking. Provide 1 hour
rating. Floor loading provided as follows:

80 psf live load
20 psf partition loan

Additional live loading will be included in Tenant
Improvement Allowance.

Exit Stairs Provide two (2) steel stairs with concrete poured pan
treads. Use 1 1/2" dia. Pipe handrails on both sides of

Lobby Stairs Provide allowance for one (1) steel poured pan monument
stair extending from 1st floor to 2nd floor in main lobby
complete with cable handrails (millwork included within
Tenant Improvement Allowance).

Miscellaneous Concrete panels embeds, mechanical screen posts, steel
roof access ladder and trash enclosures hardware will be
provided under this section of work.

Architectural Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Wrought Iron Provide (1) 20' wide manually rolling and (1) 3' man gate
Fencing at emergency access drive to Maynard Street.

Pre-formed Metal Provide 22 gauge galvanized steel siding with ribbed patter
Siding P-13 by Curoco or equal for enclosure gate covering.

Roof Screen Utilize main entrance barrel vault as mechanical enclosure
to house (2) 80 ton VAV units. Screen to be finished with
pre-finished 24 gauge standing seam metal panels with
custom Xynar finish.


Rough Carpentry All wood-framing and bracing shall conform to applicable
requirements for lumber grading as specified in West Coast
Lumber Inspection Bureau Grading and Dressing Rule No. 16,
the Western Wood Products Association, and the American
Plywood Association. In addition to complying with
applicable codes and regulation, comply with pertinent
recommendations contained in 1994 Edition UBC Chapter 25.

Finish Carpentry All finish carpentry shall conform to the applicable
requirements for "Custom Grade" of the Manual of Millwork
of the Woodwork Institute of California, the West Coast
Lumberman's Association Grading and Dressing Rules No. 16
the Western Wood Products Association, The National
Hardwood Lumber Association and The American Plywood

All casework and millwork within the facility is included
in Tenant improvement Allowance.


Membrane Roof shall have a four-ply fiberglass built-up roofing
Roofing system with capsheet (i.e., Manville specification 4 GLC)
over perlite board over rigid foam insulation. Provide 10
year bond.

Building/ Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.
Sounding &
Thermal Insulation

Roof Drainage Provide internal PVC roof and overflow drains. Roof drains
to connect to below grade storm drain where accessible or
daylight at face of curb or building wall in loading areas.
Minimum roof slope to be 1/4" per foot.

Sealants Utilize silicone base sealant at all glazing conditions.
Concrete panel joints are to receive polyurethane sealant
with 1" polyurethane backer rod. Sealants used in walking
surfaces shall be polyurethane type. Colors to be selected
by Architect.

Sheet Metal Provide all sheet metal work for the building, complete;
including reglets, and counter flashing for roofing.
Materials to be galvanized sheet metal, 24 gauge minimum
thickness. Provide (2) stainless steel column cover at main

Skylights Provide total of four 8'-0" x 8' 0" acrylic pyramid dome
skylights by Bristol Fiberlite Industries. AL-CM dual
glazed, curb mounted type. All additional skylights
included within the Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Entry Awning Provide one (1) pre-finished aluminum entrance awning at
secondary entry (freeway side).


Interior Doors Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Main Entrance Provide 72 l.f. of "Herculite" storefront system including
Storefront/Doors four pair 3'-0" x 8'-10" x 1/2" doors.

Second Provide a total of (6) single & (2) pair - 3' - 0" x 8' x 10"
Entrance x 1-3/4" narrow stile aluminum glass doors. Frame finish to be
Doors as specified in "Aluminum Framing" below.

Steel Roll-up See entrance doors above.

Hollow Metal None Provided

Hardware Hardware for exterior doors included in shell building. All
hardware for interior doors, security, etc. included in Tenant
Improvement Allowance.

Aluminum All extruded aluminum sections shall be 2" x 4-1/2" off-set
flush glazed with captured horizontal and vertical mullions.
Framing system. Interior finish to be clear anodized finish.
Exterior color finish to be factory applied, oven baked Duranar
XL. Color to match existing building. Provide gyp. Bd. Caps where
applicable to match existing building.

Glass & Glass to be provided as follows:
CurtainWall Glass above Entries; 1/4" High Performance Silver
Window Wall Glass; 1/4" High Performance Green
Lobby/Secondary Entry Glass: 1/2" clear "Herculite" system

Note: Provide laminated glazing along north, south and east
(freeway) elevations as apart of shell building. West elevation
and secondary entry is single-glazed.


Carpeting Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Vinyl Flooring/
ESD Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Ceramic Tile Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Stone Veneer Provide "Arizona Flagstone" stone veneer at main entrance
Insets pilasters to match Existing building. Provide slate insets in
hardscape at main entrance and driveway.

Painting Provide elastomeric paint on all portions of exterior concrete
walls as indicated on the drawings; enamel paint on exterior
steel surfaces, metal doors and frames to receive paint; Primer
+ costs at exterior. Color to match existing building. All
interior painting included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Meta Framing Steel studs shall be 16, 20 and 25 gauge as indicated on
& Furring drawings or required. Drywall fuming channels shall be 25 gauge
"hat" sections. Backing plates shall be 1/8" steel of proper
size to accommodate fastenings and shall be welded to 20 gauge
steel studs. See drawings for specific size and locations.

All restrooms, shafts and lobby core improvements included in
Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Gypsum & Provide gypsum wallboard at designated locations shown. Board
Drywall thickness to be 1/2" at vertical and 1/2" at horizontal surface
applications. In areas requiring fire ratings, wall board shall
be 5/8" "Type X". In areas subject to moisture, use water
resistant (WR) gypsum board.

Elevator shaft, pump room and electrical/tel. Rooms included in
shell building. Stair and mechanical shafts/enclosures included
in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Exterior Exterior soffits at main and secondary entrances to be
Soffits constructed of pre-finished aluminum panels (see Division 7

Acoustical Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.


Toilet Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Toilet Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Raised Provided by Tenant

Signage Provided by Tenant

Signage Provide allowance of $20,000 for monument sign and lighting.

Fire Provide as required by code for shell building. All others
Extinguishers included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.


Kitchen All kitchen equipment and related food preparation appliances
Equipment required to be provided by the Tenant.

Athletic All athletic and recreational equipment to be provided by the
Equipment Tenant

Projection Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Playground (If any) Provided by Tenant.


Window Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Furnishings All lab work stations, desks, tables, chairs, whiteboards,
etc. and all other F, F & E to be provided by the Tenant.


Not Applicable


Elevators Provide total of one (1) 2500 lb. capacity, 2-stop hydraulic
passenger elevator located in main lobby, complete with
standard cab finishes. Upgraded cab finishes included in
Tenant Improvement Allowance.


Shell Plumbing Provide water stubbed to within five (5) feet of building and
one sewer lateral extending below entire length of building
slab as a part of the Shell building.

T.I. Plumbing Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Fire Protection Provide on-site hydrants as required by local fire
System jurisdiction. Entire building to be fully Fire Sprinklered to
density of .15 over the most remote 1,500 s.f. of office area.

Gas Service Provide gas service stub to building.

Heating, Entire HVAC system for building and data center included
Ventilating & within the Tenant Improvement Allowance. The mechanical
Air Conditioning system proposed is a rooftop package VAV system complete with
ducted supply and return air plenum for the entire office
Area. The Data Center will be conditioned via a split system
by "Data-Air", "Leibert" or equivalent.


Main Service Main service to each building to be 277/480 volt, 3 phase 4
wire (2500A) including underground pull and meter section
located within an electric room as a part of the
Shell Building.

Cable Trays Cable Trays for date and communication routing to be included
within the Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Telephone & All telephone and data communication cabling to be provided
Data Comm. by the Tenant. Two (2) 4" conduit has been installed between

Installation All shell electrical work to be in accordance with applicable
codes. All necessary outlets, conduit, wiring, trenching and
concrete encasing shall be provided as required.

Interior Included in Tenant Improvement Allowance.

UPS System A UPS system (if required) to be provided by the Tenant or
included in the Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Security System Tenant to provide all necessary devices, conduit, wiring,
access door hardware, etc. for installation, operation and
monitoring of a security system.

Fire Suppression Special fire suppression system (i.e., Energen, etc.) to
@Computer Room be provided by the Tenant.

Exterior Provide low pressure sodium pole mounted light fixtures on
Lighting 24" diameter concrete bases as required throughout surface
parking areas within the SDG&E easement and surrounding the
proposed building. Provide bollard-type lighting within
parking areas along the south property line adjacent to the
residences as needed to provide one foot candle average
illumination as required by City ordinance. Bollard lighting
to be shielded from residences.

Provide uplight/downlight fixtures at walkways and landscape
areas adjacent to entries. Provide total of (4) concrete
light bollard fixtures at main entrance to match existing.